
Comics and the Bible | The Seraph in "Echo of Evil!" | Super Friends #46

The Seraph in "Echo of Evil" from  Super Friends  #46 Rivkah's cousin from Los Angeles is visiting Masada, a site in the Eastern Judean desert.  She is introduced to Chaim Lavon, who senses the clammy nearness of a malevolent being.    A caption box sets up the remainder of the story: "The influx of American visitors to Masada promised to be a joyful event, yet the place was haunted by the venomous presence of a demon... A ghostly butcher eager to slaughter 960 men, women, and children... Echo of Evil!" Despite the moment of unease, Chaim shares the history of Masada with cousin Wendy: "King Herod the Great turned Masada into a pleasure palace and formidible fort around 36 to 30 B.C.  100 years later, Rome sacked Jerusalem.  The last band of Jewish fighters fled into the desert to continue their battle for freedom... From Masada, they harried the Romans for two years....Then, Flavius Silva, with the Roman Tenth Legion, plus 10,000 colonial troops and s...

The Secret Origin of... MR. ZSASZ

Though there were other comics series with similar names before and after, the longest-running  Secret Origins comic book was published by DC Comics from April 1986 to August 1990.  It included 50 regular issues, three annuals, and one special edition.  This series of blog posts focuses on the stories that would have, should have, or otherwise follow the spirit of that series.       The Secret Origin of... MR. ZSASZ Mr. Zsasz is a Batman villain introduced in "The Last Arkham," the first four-issue story arc of the series  Batman: Shadow of the Bat, with issue #1 cover dated June 1992.  The story was written by Alan Grant and the art was by Norm Breyfogle.  He is described as "Serial killer with a difference.  He has no pattern.  He kills anybody.  47 known victims."  Zsasz is contained in a metal tube inside a cage, with only a small rectangular window for him to speak through.  In the second issue, we...

The Secret Origin of... PETER CANNON - THUNDERBOLT

Though there were other comics series with similar names before and after, the longest-running  Secret Origins  comic book was published by DC Comics from April 1986 to August 1990.  It included 50 regular issues, three annuals, and one special edition.  This series of blog posts focuses on the stories that would have been, should have been, or otherwise follow the spirit of that series. The Secret Origin of... PETER CANNON - THUNDERBOLT        Charlton Comics published the comic book adventures of a number of "Action Heroes," including Captain Atom, the Blue Beetle, the Peacemaker, Judomaster, and Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt.  Charlton ceased publication before I started reading comics, but many of the Charlton Action Heroes were acquired by DC Comics in the early 1980s.  They were introduced into the DC Universe in the 12-issue maxi-series Crisis on Infinite Earths.  They were also featured in the encyclopedic Who's Who, the Defini...


I Met... Flash Gordon! The 2024 Cincinnati Comic Expo was at the Sharonville Convention Center this year.  Perhaps the location meant fewer featured Comic Creators, or perhaps there were just fewer I was interested in meeting.  There were three that I sought out for autographs in my hard-bound Who's Who  Omnibus 1 and Omnibus 2: Alan Grant (who signed The Batman Revised Entry and The Reaper), Matt Wagner (who signed Dr. Mid-Nite) and Bart Sears (who chose to sign Rocket Red).  Howard Chaykin and Simon Bisley canceled, but I have gotten autographs from both of them before. One of the later additions to the Celebrity side of the con was Mr. Sam J. Jones.  Mr. Jones may be best known for his portrayal of Flash Gordon in the 1980 film of the same name.  The film turned the polo-playing Flash of the comic strips into the football-playing Flash, which led to this nifty souvenir that Mr. Jones signed.  (Jones himself was a football player in real life). ...


I Met... Michael Cho! The transcription work I have been doing for  Comic Book Creator  magazine may be the closest I ever get to working in the comic book biz.  Even though I have been a comic book reader for decades now, I still have learned a ton as I listen to the interview audio and get the words on the printed page.  One of the recent interviews conducted by Jon B. Cooke for the Eisner-nominated publication was with Michael Cho.  Mr. Cho was recently a guest at the 2023 Cincinnati Comic Expo.  I had him sign the issue of the magazine in which the interview appeared.  I also asked him to sign a copy of Batman: Urban Legends #21, which he talks about in the interview. Other creators I met were Craig Boldman ( Secret Origins #37), Jeff Moy ( Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files and Origins #1 and #2), Tony Harris ( Starman Secret Files and Origins #1), Anthony Marques ( Batman Audio Adventures Special #1), Bob Hall ( Squadron Supreme trade ...


I Met... Tom Grummett and Mike Gustavich! As much as I enjoyed meeting "Freddy Freeman," the real draw (pun intended) to Fan Expo Cleveland was an appearance by one of my all-time favorite comic book artists, the legendary Tom Grummett.  Grummett was one of the pencillers of the Superman titles during the "Death of Superman" storyline and its sequels in the 1990s.  His artwork appears on the standard cover of The Adventures of Superman #500, which was one of the things I asked him to autograph. The issue is cover dated Early June 1993 and it appeared on the newsstands on April 13, 1993, almost 30 years ago to the date!  It's a significant issue, not just because it's a #500, but it features the first appearances of characters who would become Steel (John Henry Irons) and Superboy (Conner Kent/Kon-El) as well as a Cyborg Superman and The Eradicator.  Grummett is also known for his work on The New Titans , Superboy, and Robin series, as well as other proje...


I Met Captain Marvel Jr.! It was a bit of a toss up between attending the Cleveland Fan Expo or Lexington (Ky.) Comic and Toy Con.  Cleveland won because of an appearance by one of my all-time favorite artists (more on that in a future post).   Lots of cool celebs in Cleveland, but the most popular are out of my price range.  Zachary Levi, who portrayed Captain Marvel in Shazam!  (2019) and Shazam!: Fury of the Gods (2023) is charging $120 for an autograph and $140 for a photo session.  So I went with the Junior version and much cheaper Jack Dylan Grazer. Jack played Freddy Freeman alongside Zachary Levi's Captain Marvel and Asher Angel's Billy Batson in both Shazam movies.  Adam Brody portrayed the adult/super-powered version of Freddy, whom I will call "Captain Marvel Jr." Freddy first appeared in Whiz Comics #25 (Dec. 1941).  While Captain Marvel Jr. is similar to Captain Marvel, there are a few twists on the concept: Freddy is traditional...