Comics and the Bible | The Seraph in "Echo of Evil!" | Super Friends #46
The Seraph in "Echo of Evil" from Super Friends #46
Rivkah's cousin from Los Angeles is visiting Masada, a site in the Eastern Judean desert. She is introduced to Chaim Lavon, who senses the clammy nearness of a malevolent being. A caption box sets up the remainder of the story: "The influx of American visitors to Masada promised to be a joyful event, yet the place was haunted by the venomous presence of a demon... A ghostly butcher eager to slaughter 960 men, women, and children... Echo of Evil!"
Despite the moment of unease, Chaim shares the history of Masada with cousin Wendy: "King Herod the Great turned Masada into a pleasure palace and formidible fort around 36 to 30 B.C. 100 years later, Rome sacked Jerusalem. The last band of Jewish fighters fled into the desert to continue their battle for freedom... From Masada, they harried the Romans for two years....Then, Flavius Silva, with the Roman Tenth Legion, plus 10,000 colonial troops and slaves, marched on Masada. After a year of siege, there was no escape for the Jews. Flavius offered surrender and a life as slaves or... death! The Romans breached Masada to find that its defenders--960 men, women, and children--ended their lives at their own hands!
Viewing the archaeological remains of the Roman camps, Chaim has a vision of the camps still occupied by the Imperial Roman Legion. Wendy and Rivkah do not see what Chaim sees. And though the vision of the Legion passes, he can still see one soldier. Chaim decides to meet the soldier in his other identity of The Seraph! The soldier identifies himself as Flavius Silva. Silva seeks revenge on the 960 souls that robbed him of his victory by taking their own lives. Silva has been waiting centuries for exactly 960 people to assemble on the summit of Masada. Silva commands the power of Jupiter, god of lighting and thunder. The Seraph says to Silva, "You may be a demon out of history... but with the help of the God of space-and-time--I'll stop you!" Rivah, who cannot see Flavius Silva, attempts to stop The Seraph from flailing at desert lightning. Silva knocks away the staff of Moses from The Seraph, but he still possesses the strength of Samson. The Seraph captures Silva in a hold that could break his neck and when The Seraph mercifully relaxes his grip, Silva strikes with a blinding shattering of lightning. Rivkah and Wendy find The Seraph without a pulse and the invisible Silva declares victory, but what's that? The staff of Moses is wriggling? The staff of Moses turns itself into The Serpent of Eternal Death!! The Seraph miraculously comes back to life. "After all," he says, "if Elijah, by the Lord's power, restored life to a widow's dead son*--surely he'd do the same for the one who inherited his clothes!" Where the demon stood, there is only the staff of Moses, a rusted helmet, and particles of dust floating on the wind. Chaim is confident he is feeling well enough to give the Masada tour, telling the story almost as if he had experienced it himself.
*I Kings 17, 22
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