Introducing... Dr. Eggslap


Dr. Eggslap is a scientist (both mad and evil) in the Justice Allies universe.  He is not, in fact, a doctor.        
Behind the Scenes: When Billy Batson speaks the name of the ancient wizard Shazam, he transformed into Captain Marvel, who is gifted with the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.  This idea became a motif in the Captain Marvel comic books.  For example, Billy's sister becomes Mary Marvel when she speaks the name of Shazam and is endowed with the grace of Selene, the strength of Hippolyta, the skill of Artemis, the fleetness of Zephyrus, the beauty of Aphrodite, and the wisdom of Minerva.  The villains IBAC and Sabbac have similar names and powers.  In the DC Comics movie Shazam, the villain Dr. Sivana controls the Seven Deadly Sins: Envy, Greed, Gluttony, etc. etc.  I think logically, he should then become Dr. Eggslap.  I suggested this in a sermon as a joke, but then I decided why not create my own villain powered by the sins to go up against C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N., who is endowed with Christian virtues.  

Two more interesting items: 

In an alternate universe, a young Jewish woman named Miriam Batzel recites the names of Jewish heroines: Shiphrah, Huldah, Abigail, Zipporah, Asenath, and Miriam and becomes Miri Marvel.

In the aforementioned sermon, I showed a PowerPoint slide with a photo of Billy and his foster siblings in their heroic identities (the Captains Marvel?).  My son pointed out later that Freddy Freeman was giving Dr. Sivana and the Sin the middle finger... with both hands.  Oof.


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